Small Animal Services

Reception with a retail area (food and accessories)

Welcome to our spacious reception which offers fully computerized client records and an airconditioned environment to receive you. Our friendly staff is there to help you with information, vaccinations, appointments, consultations with our veterinarians, admissions to hospital and queries.

Our reception offers a variety of pet foods, accessories and over the counter medications supported by trained staff and with veterinary advice.

The practice is accessible by wheelchair.

Please ensure that your pets are suitably restrained for their benefit and safety as well as the benefit and safety of other visitors to the practice.

We look forward to assisting you.

Consulting Rooms

We feel privileged to offer you two spacious, air-conditioned consulting rooms with enough space for you, you pet or pets as well as your family and friends. Each room is equipped with a scale, microscope and all necessary equipment and medication to allow us to offer you a professional consultation service.

Our consultation hours are:

Mondays to Fridays 7.30 to 10.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00.

Saturdays from 9.00 to 12.00

No appointments are necessary for these times.

For emergencies or urgent consultations please call the office on 056 811 2114 or the emergency number on 082 492 3116 to see a veterinarian at other times.


Our operating theatre is large and equipped with two anaesthetic machines as well as sophisticated monitoring equipment to create a safe operating environment giving you peace of mind that your pet is comfortable and well looked after while undergoing surgery.  Climate control is available.

Routine surgery includes sterilizations, caesarians , lump removal, abdominal surgery and orthopaedics. We also have a dental machine and equipment available to take care of your pet’s teeth to give them a white shining smile again.

Any complicated cases are readily referred.


Our pet kennels are divided into separate rooms  with a separate isolation kennel room for contagious diseases and kennels of varying size for breeding, sick and surgery patients. Great care is taken to give everyone the space and privacy they deserve; provided by the large number of kennels available. We have an outdoor exercise area off the kennel room, a pleasant area to visit your pet and also for your pet to enjoy a well-deserved time outdoors whilst spending time in hospital. Separate areas are available for our noisier guests as well as our patients with contagious diseases. Climate control is available. The vets,  Willemien (our hospital carer) and our cleaning will make sure your pet is clean, comfortable and cared for while he or she is in our care.

Xrays and Ultrasound

As part of our diagnostic services, we offer digital x-rays as well as ultrasound.

Digital x-rays allow us to deliver a fast, accurate image that can easily be copied to cd’s for clients to take with them or sent to specialists for a second opinion. We are equipped to take x-rays of exotics, all dog and cat size patients as well as horses (provided the patient comes to the practice).

We regularly take x-rays for hip and elbow evaluation and certification by Prof. Kirberger. We have a turn-around time of 12-48 hrs. Please call reception for a booking or a quotation.

We have two mobile ultrasound machines, for small animals, cattle, horses and sheep. Dr Johan is well experienced in performing reproductive ultrasound examinations on our farm animal patients whilst Dr Lelane is very proficient with small animal work such as pregnancies for breeders and abdominal diagnostics.


We have a dedicated laboratory facility that offers a large range of in-house tests:

  • Blood smears
  • Skin scrapings
  • Faecal examinations
  • Urinary examinations
  • Blood tests (haematology, biochemistry, electrolytes & blood gasses)
  • Semen evaluations (bulls, rams, dogs)

For tests that we cannot offer ourselves, we make use of external laboratories.


We offer endoscopy as an option for in depth investigation in our medium to large pets and equines. This enables us to look directly into the oesophagus and stomach as well as into the trachea. This is the “camera” that you “swallow” that everyone talks about. It is a particularly useful instrument to use in diagnosing Spirocera lupi, also known as  “the worm in the throat”

Dog breeding

Drs. Brigitta and Lelane have a special interest in dog breeding. We will help you with artificial inseminations as well as caesarean sections, including English Bull Dogs.