Trich is caused by a protozoa called Trichomonas foetus.
Distribution and spread:
Trich is most commonly found in beef herds, country wide. There have been attempts to eradicate this disease but this has not been successful. The disease is spread by natural mating.
By sheath washing or scraping and laboratory culture (the culture is the reason results are not always immediately available).
False negatives can occur considering the “life-style” of the organism; this is the reason bulls are tested 3 times to be truly negative. Each test is approximately 80% accurate.
Life style:
The organism lives and survives in the crypts of the bulls prepuce. Younger bulls have a smoother prepuce lining and, therefore, carry a lower risk of contracting and spreading the disease. Older bulls develop a prepuce lining with a multitude of deep crypts allowing the organism to survive well and protect itself from intrapreputial treatment.
After a contaminated bull has mated a cow, the following may occur:
- after a few matings the cow may become immune, get pregnant and calve normally.
- the cow can get pregnant, abort later and become a source of infection to the next bull that mates her.
- the cow can get pregnant, calve normally and become a carrier for a while and later loose the infection.
- she can not become pregnant and become the source of infection.
Herd approach:
Pregnancy test all cows
- Mark all non-pregnant cows and keep separately
- Keep all pregnant cows; these are temporarily considered “clean”
- All pregnant cows that calve down normally are mated again next season
- All cows that abort are added to the “non-pregnant” group
- The non-pregnant group is treated as follows:
- Slaughter is the quickest solution
- AI (this does not transmit the disease) and slaughter the non-pregnant cows
- Vaccinate all cows twice before the breeding season then AI and put rest of open cows with cheap young bulls for one mating season and then slaughter the bulls
- Vaccinate all cows twice before the breeding season then use 1-2 year old bulls to mate for a season and then slaughter the bulls
- Vaccinate cows twice before breeding season and use weaker or old bulls ready for culling, mate for a season then slaughter bulls.
Positiewe bulle:
- Die meeste veeartse gebruik slagting as vinnige oplossing
- Vir waardevolle bulle kan behandeling toegepas word wat mondeliks sowel as preputuale behandeling insluit. Komplikasies kan intree en dit is raadsaam dat behandelings onder veearts toesig geskied
- Hertoets van bulle na behandeling is noodsaaklik. Dit begin 6-12 weke na behandeling om die organisme kans te gee om te groei en vermenigvuldig indien behandeling nie geslaag het nie; dit maak toets uitslae meer betroubaar en skakel vals negatiewe resultate uit. Skrape word op ten minste 7 – 10 dae intervalle gedoen, drie keer na mekaar.
Veilings bulle:
- Toets van jong bulle wat nog nooit by koeie was word tot ʼn sekere mate aanbeveel omdat niemand kan waarborg dat die bulle nie oor die draad gekuier het nie
- In negatiewe kuddes en by meeste veilings word toets verslae op grond van 1 toetsing aanvaar
- In positiewe kuddes word drie toetse aanbeveel om negatiewe status te waarborg
- Slegs drie negatiewe toetse gee ʼn negatiewe sertifikaat
- erskillende teelgenootskappe verskil oor die vereistes by veilings.
Daar is nie ʼn kortpad vir toetsing en behandelings nie al wil boere graag dit so hê!
- Trichguard (dooie entstof) 100ml
- 2ml per dosis
- Eerste jaar: 2 entings 2-4 weke uitmekaar; die tweede enting moet ±4 weke voor die teelseisoen gegee word
- Ent jaarliks daarna
- Slegs koeie word geënt!
- Streptomycin daagliks vir 6 dae 60ml binnespiers
- Diminazine pasta deur middel van pyp en rekkie in skede daagliks vir 5 dae
- Emtrylpoeier 40% vir duiwe mondeliks daagliks @ 5mg/kg vir 5 dae
- Rumix daagliks vir 5 dae
- Ruvoer kos.